FAQ 2 페이지 > (주)유니코하이테크


?If it is not operated by a vertical or horizontal line, such as 1.4.7 or 1.2.3, the internal cable line may be disconnected or internal cable is bent due to incorrect insertion of cable.

Then please contact our service center. 

1. If the door lock sounds melody only without working, it may be due to low battery. Please replace new batteries. You has to use Alkaline batteries and do not use new one with existing low batteries or do not mix with other battery brand. This can cause a mechanical failure.

2. If there is lock working sound and after 3times open/close working and melody sounds but door is not opened, it may be due to either door itself falls or the door or compartment fails to function properly, causing the deadbolt is stuck in a shackle and not operate smoothly. In this case, try push/pull the door strongly or open the door with lifting it slightly. If door is open with this action, should check the door itself.

3. For cases other than No. 1 or 2, please contact our service center.

1. Please try again using a 9V emergency power source (rectangular battery). This can be caused by low battery power.

2. Locking device can be broken down. Please call the service center.